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From a hostel for Bahai children established on 1st August 1945 with sixteen children, New Era has grown into a leading international educational institution. It is under the supervision of the New Era School Committee Trust and under the guidance of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha`is of India.

It must fill with joy and wonder every well wisher of New Era High School that it has reached an important milestone with the completion of 79 years of constructive contribution to the oneness of humanity via education, at such a crucial time when so many hearts from the far off corners of the world pray together for the entire humanity's wellbeing, healing and protection.


Ever since its inception on the 1st of August 1945, the love and selfless sacrifice of numerous radiant souls and the efforts of all the former and current students and staff, have kept the torch aflame with the spirit of service.


The wishes and prayers of all the members of the ever widening New Era Family on this historic day infuse fresh vitality into its activities to acquire a deeper meaning and purpose. May the dedicated efforts widen the path leading to many more landmarks for New Era!


14 SEP

- Observation Of Hindi Day.

18 SEP

- Social Science Theatre Festival for Classes VI-VIII.


19 SEP

-Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Camp for Class VI begins.

Chesson Road

Panchgani, Dist. Satara

Maharashtra, India

Pincode- 412 805


0091-2168-241502 Phone

0091-7066088400 Mobile

0091-2168-240272 Fax

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 July 09, 2024


- Bus Party Form uploaded. 

Click Here to download the form.

 July 10, 2024


- Form for nomination of parents for PTA committee uploaded.

Click Here

July 13, 2024


- Inter School Table Tennis Tournament Begins.

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