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Preparation for Social Action

Preparation for Social Action


                                Classes 9 onwards

                                Age group 14 onwards


Duration: Three hours per week


The PSA program is being developed by FUNDAEC, an award winning (Change the World --

Best Practice Award by Club of Budapest) non-governmental organization based in

Colombia. The program aims to develop the capacity of the individuals, specially the youth,

to become protagonists of the development of their own community. The youth who

participate in the program develop the identity of a Promoter of Community Well-being

and are designated thus at the completion of the program.


The texts and units of the program are aimed at the development of five fundamental

capabilities: mathematical, scientific, language and communication, technological, and

those of service to the community. Two basic educational concepts underlie this

pedagogical perspective:

Curricular integration (the integration of different disciplines, of theory and practice, of the

abstract and the concrete, of the material and the spiritual dimensions of life) and Emphasis in concepts, not information.


A capability in this context can be thought of as developed capacity to think and act purposefully within a particular sphere of activity. In order to advance in a given capability, the student must understand a related set of concepts, learn a number of relevant facts, and acquire a range of skills, abilities, and attitudes, together with the spiritual qualities that underlie these attitudes.

Reference Material


The moral educational tour conducted once a year spans over

a weekend, for Primary school students, strikes the right balance

regarding spiritual, social, physical and academic education.

These tours to various parts of India provide an environment that

is conducive for holistic growth. Primary students are also taken

for a two day Moral Camps.


These camps help students to understand their own capabilities,

including the ability to make more friends, to be kind to one

another and to improve their power of expression in English and

understand the virtues that should be practiced. They gain more

knowledge through study of texts, learn to make an effort and to

sacrifice, and discover their talents. Every evening students spend

time together reflecting on their learning of the day. Further,

outings are organized where they get a chance to interact with

knowledgeable people and visit places that expand their horizons.

23 - 30 OCTOBER 2013

Other Educational Trips are held every year where students visit farms, factories, art galleries, historical places, planetariums, places of worship, science centres, museums etc.


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