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​Moral Programme

New Era High School today majestically stands out as an educational institution of repute, earning recognition as one of the leading residential schools in India, distinguished for its holistic approach to education. Inspired by the universal tenets of the Baha’i Faith, New Era incorporates the best practices that promote a dynamic process of teaching-learning and cultivates a culture that empowers its student community to strive for academic and moral excellence. It welcomes the multi-cultural diversity of its student and teaching community that reflects and nurtures the organization’s fundamental belief in the oneness of humanity. A wide spectrum of educational and social activity and artistic endeavors enhance intellectual capabilities and awaken in its students and staff the spirit of service to humanity.


In keeping with our mission statement, the school offers a comprehensive and effective moral education programme. This programme focuses on developing each student’s spiritual qualities and virtues in order to assist them to become promoters of social transformation through acts of service.


There are five components to the program as mentioned below:


Moral Classes for Children


Age Group - 6 to 10 years

Time: 9:00am-10:20am (Monday-Friday)


Intends to nurture spiritually vibrant and healthy young children who will grow up without prejudice and with a positive powerful sense that they are important to God and have a role to play to serve humanity.

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Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Programme

Age Group - 11 to 13 years

Duration: 3 hrs per week


Equips youth with a profound under-standing of their own potentialities and empowers them to engage in acts of service to the community. In small settings young students discuss ideas and form a strong moral identity.

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Preparation for Social Action


Age Group - 14 years onwards

Duration: 3 hrs per week


Empowers students for social action and produces promoters of community well-being. The program aims to develop the capacity of the individuals, specially the youth, to become protagonists of the development of their own community.

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School Program


Another element of the Moral Education program that deserves mention is the empowerment it provides to its students by training them as JYSEP animators and children moral class teachers for their younger classmates. Over the past few years there have been JYSEP classes conducted by the class ten animators at the school for the class six and seven students and for students of other schools in Panchgani. Some of the student animators also serve as children class teachers where they provide moral education to the children at the primary section of the school The spirit of selfless and sacrificial service permeating in these students and the genuine desire to transform society and build a better world by undertaking the above acts has been and will continue to be one of the greatest achievements for New Era and the Moral Education Program at the school.

School Program

Staff Empowerment

Staff Empowerment


However it is not only the empowerment of the students that New Era is concerned with, but its focus also lies with empowering the teachers at the school with knowledge, power of expression, and a strong moral purpose, giving them a vision and tools for assisting the students to get empowered as well as make contributions for the betterment of their communities. In connection to the staff empowerment New Era organizes training seminars twice a year where the entire staff of New Era are trained in books either related to the Ruhi, Junior Youth or Preparation for Social Action Program. The staff are also encouraged to take the online course offered by the Lazos Learning on a book called “A Discourse on Social action-Basic Concepts”, which assists in enhancing their understanding on concepts such as what are discourses, an individual’s two fold moral purpose, society, extended family, thirty for knowledge, social transformation etc.


The insights and learning’s received from the same have remarkable and added a new dimension to morals program at the school.

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