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Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

New Era High School is equipped with three state-of-the-art labs having 30 computers in each lab ensuring 1:1 student to computer ratio.


These labs are regularly upgraded to standards required by an ever changing technology.


The IT skills of students in Std VI to X are developed using NIIT curriculum by their staff deployed in the school campus.


The students participate in multiple online competitions like MKCL Olympiad, French language Olympiad etc.


The highly trained ICT staff conducts vocational for students in computer hardware, web designing and video editing to ensure well rounded IT education to students in both fields of hardware and software.


LAB II - Class XI, XII and IGCSE

The school provides fast broadband connections in the labs to help students research and gain from all benefits of the online content. Also, students can communicate with their family and friends on a daily basis with the one hour emailing sessions provided to them.

LAB I - Class VI to X

LAB III - Class I to V

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